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Dental Implants vs. Dentures

If you’re missing teeth, there are replacement options available that will leave you with a realistic, comfortable, natural smile. Depending on the state of your smile and its gaps, as well as your budget, you’re likely to choose one of two options: dentures or implants. Read on to learn more about these great tooth replacement solutions.

elderly lady with dentures in southbridge


Chances are you’ve heard of dentures. You may have seen them mocked in movies or cartoons, but modern dentures are nothing to laugh at. Dentures are removable, and can come in either a full or partial set, depending on whether you’re missing all of your teeth, or just a few in a row. Dentures are custom made to match the natural look and feel of your smile. Once you get used to them, you’ll be able to eat and speak without issue.

Dental Implants

This increasingly popular solution to tooth loss is a titanium post that is inserted surgically into the jaw bone. Once that procedure heals and the jaw bone fuses with the implant, a custom-made restoration tooth is attached that will last for years to come. Implants look just like real teeth, they don’t interfere with speaking or eating and there’s no extra effort required to care for them.

image of a lower jawbone showing how a crown will fit

How to Choose?

Dentures are often favored for two reasons. First of all, they are the more affordable option of the two. Then there’s the fact that not everyone can receive an implant. People with an unhealthy jaw bone may not be able to accept an implant, or may require a bone graft in order to do so. Finally, while with a healthy jaw it’s possible to accept a mouth full of implants, dentures are an easier, cheaper solution for a full mouth of teeth. Implants are generally better suited for single tooth replacements.

Top Notch Dental Care at Southbridge Dental Care

We’re here to help you decide how to perfect your smile. If you’re looking to have a tooth replacement procedure, give us a call! We can set you up a consultation and walk you through your options.

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