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Dental Procedures That Prevent Cavities

Gray haired cartoon woman in dental chair and dental probing teeth to prevent cavitiesImage by Authority Dental under CC 2.0

You probably know what you can do to avoid tooth decay, but do you know what your dentist and team of dental professionals can do to help? Read on for a list of common dental procedures that prevent cavities.

Routine Cleaning and Exam

Twice a year you head to the dentist for your routine cleaning and exam. This is one of the most important things you can do for your oral health. The hygienist will give you a thorough cleaning, eradicating decay-causing tartar and plaque. Additionally, the hygienist and the dentist use this opportunity to examine your mouth and pinpoint early signs of decay or other issues. They will discuss with you if there’s anything you need to do differently to keep your teeth healthy.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

There are a lot of reasons why your dentist may recommend that your wisdom teeth come out. One of them is the increased potential for decay that they can cause. Not only are wisdom teeth themselves prone to decay, since they are hard to reach at the back of the mouth, but they also can cause crowding. Crowding can be a risk factor for cavities. The tighter the space between the teeth, the harder it is to completely eradicate trapped bacteria.


Sealants are a thin coat applied to the surface of the back teeth that prevent cavities by protecting the teeth against plaque and bacteria. Generally, sealants are given to children once their permanent teeth grow in, but they are available to adults as well, as long as they don’t already have fillings on their back molars.

Preventive Dentistry at Southbridge Dental

At Southbridge Dental, we’ll work with you to prevent the worst dental woes. But we can’t do it without your help. Between biannual visits, be sure you’re keeping up with a thorough dental care routine. Brush twice daily, floss every single day, and eat a healthy diet!

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