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Building a Healthy Dental Routine for Kids

Brunette young boy brushes his teeth with a blue toothbrush while looking in the mirror

At Southbridge Dental Care, we tailor our care to the unique needs of each patient. Our team members are especially attentive to our youngest patients. We want every child’s early dental experiences to start them on the path to a lifetime of healthy teeth. So if you’re not sure how to help your child establish a good dental routine, our friendly team is here to help! Read on for a few tips to help your kiddos have superb oral health.

  1. Start Dental Care Early
  2. Some may think that because baby teeth will eventually fall out and be replaced with adult teeth that they don’t need routine dental care. But in truth, taking care of your child’s baby teeth is the first step in helping them develop proper speech patterns, learn how to eat, and prepare to have healthy adult teeth.

    Although it’s recommended that children visit the dentist around one year old, you can expose them to routine dental hygiene before then. For infants, wipe their gums after meals with a damp, warm washcloth or gentle gum brush. Once their first tooth erupts, you can start brushing with a baby toothbrush and smear of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice. Begin flossing when two teeth are touching.

  3. Regularly Visit Us
  4. Every healthy dental routine includes biannual visits to the dentist. Once your child is a year old, bring them to see us at Southbridge Dental Care every six months. We’ll answer all of your questions about dental health for each stage of childhood and help get your kiddos excited about caring for their teeth and gums, as well as help decrease any dental anxiety they may experience.

  5. Set a Good Example
  6. Your child looks up to you; when you model great oral healthcare habits, they are more likely to be engaged in good oral hygiene too. Start off by showing your child the proper techniques for brushing and flossing. Young children will need assistance with brushing and flossing usually until age six, and even older children may require supervision until adolescence.

  7. Consistency Is Key
  8. Routines are more likely to become habitual when they are practiced daily and around the same time. Keep your entire family accountable for daily brushing in the morning and before bedtime, and flossing at least once a day. After teeth have been brushed before bedtime, allow only water and put off the milk or sugary drinks until morning.

Kids’ Dental Care in Southbridge, MA

We are here to answer any questions you may have regarding your child’s dental health. We’d be thrilled to suggest more tips for establishing a healthy dental routine for the whole family! Contact us today to set up an appointment at Southbridge Dental Care.

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