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The Benefits of Dental Veneers

Cartoon of three women with dental veneers.
Image by Authority Dental under CC 2.0

You don’t have to be born with perfect teeth to have a perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry is designed to help improve the appearance of your smile, even if you’re looking to change the shade or shape of your teeth. Dental veneers are one of the most popular and versatile cosmetic dental treatments. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of dental veneers, which we offer at Southbridge Dental Care.

What Are Dental Veneers & What Do They Fix?

If you have chipped, cracked, broken, or stained teeth, it might feel impossible to have a lovely smile. However, dental veneers are designed to even out your smile and enhance its appearance. They are made from thin sheets of porcelain and they look and feel like natural teeth. The result is a great looking smile that is both durable and beautiful! Dental veneers are applied over the course of a couple dental appointments. Dr. Park will remove a small bit of the enamel from your natural teeth to ensure a snug fit for your veneers. Because of this, they are considered a permanent cosmetic solution.

The Main Benefits of Dental Veneers

  1. Treat them like natural teeth
  2. You don’t have to make any adjustments to your oral health care routine once you have veneers. You can brush, floss, and eat with them as you would with your natural teeth. Of course, it’s still important to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. It’s also necessary to avoid biting down on hard objects or hard foods to best preserve your dental veneers.

  3. They last for a long time
  4. Dental veneers can last up to fifteen years or longer when well cared for!

  5. No one will be able to tell you have them
  6. Because they’re made from tooth-like porcelain, dental veneers are natural looking and are custom made for your smile and features. It’s no wonder dental veneers are a popular option for those looking to enhance their smiles!

Affordable Dental Veneers in Southbridge, MA

If you’re interested in a smile makeover, consider getting dental veneers! Our team will take you through the dental veneer procedure process. We’ll also share the projected cost of your treatment upfront and review our financing options with you so you can decide if dental veneers are the right choice for you. Thank you for considering Southbridge Dental Care for your dental veneer treatment. We also have other cosmetic solutions to enhance your smile for the holidays. Contact us to schedule a consultation today!

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