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What Should I Look for in a Toothpaste?

Turquoise toothbrush loaded with sparkly toothpaste on a blue background.

There are a lot of different toothpaste brands out there! How can you go about choosing what type of toothpaste is the best for your oral healthcare needs? Here are our recommendations for choosing the right toothpaste for you!

  1. Look for the ADA Seal
  2. First and foremost, you should only consider toothpastes that have the ADA (American Dental Association) Seal of Acceptance on the box. Since 1931, the Seal of Acceptance has been used to mark products that are both safe and effective.

  3. Focus on Fluoride
  4. Fluoride is a mineral that is very effective at warding off plaque and decay. Using fluoridated toothpaste creates a protective barrier around your teeth and can protect them from developing cavities when paired with consistent use and proper brushing technique.

  5. Select a Toothpaste Based on Your Needs
  6. There are different toothpastes on the market for various individual needs. For example, you could get a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, or a toothpaste with extra whitening ingredients for a brighter smile. You may not like the standard mint flavor or have children in the family who are more likely to brush with a milder flavored toothpaste. Some kids also like to use pumps or themed toothpaste. As long as it has an ADA seal, it’s up to you!

  7. Check the Ingredients
  8. If you have sensitive teeth, it’s especially important to check the ingredients label of your toothpaste. Some toothpastes contain abrasive agents that are meant to lift stains and polish your teeth. While these ingredients are perfectly safe for most people, they can aggravate those who have sensitive teeth. Instead, you might want to opt for a toothpaste that contains potassium nitrate, which soothes irritated nerves and makes for a more comfortable brushing experience.

Comprehensive Dentistry in Southbridge, MA

Brushing your teeth with the right toothpaste is the first step towards achieving good oral health, but it’s important to also schedule twice yearly dental cleanings and examinations to ensure your smile is in the best shape. At Southbridge Dental, we offer a comprehensive array of services including dental cleanings and exams at an affordable price. Please give us a call at 508-764-4600 or schedule an appointment with us online to get started!

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