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Tooth Extractions in Southbridge, MA

At Southbridge Dental Care, we enjoy being able to offer gentle and efficient tooth extractions for our patients. No one wants to hear that they need a dental extraction, but our team works hard to provide patients with the restorative services that they need to help them smile big again. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our team, please give our office a call or send us a message through our virtual contact form.

Do tooth extractions hurt?

Do tooth extractions hurt?

Before the procedure begins, we will completely numb your gums with a local anesthetic. You may feel pressure on your gums at some point during treatment, but it should not be painful. Afterward, you will want to take either prescription or over-the-counter pain medication and take it easy for the rest of the day following your appointment. If you frequently experience dental anxiety or you are nervous about dental extraction treatments in particular, we offer oral conscious sedation, which can put you in a relaxed state during your appointment.

What can I eat after a dental extraction?
What can I eat after a dental extraction?

As a general rule, we always recommend that patients eat soft foods for a few days afterward, like oatmeal, yogurt, avocado, scrambled eggs, and applesauce. If you decide to make a smoothie or a milkshake, make sure that you do not drink it through a straw, as this can cause a painful dry socket to develop. Our team will go over everything you need to know about tooth extraction aftercare with you at your consultation. If you have any further questions about the tooth extraction recovery process, feel free to contact our front office team.

How will I know if I need a dental extraction?

How will I know if I need a dental extraction?

There are a variety of reasons why a tooth might need to be removed. Our team practices conservative dentistry, which means we won’t recommend a restorative treatment unless we truly think it is the best option for the patient. Sometimes teeth become too damaged from decay, infection, or trauma and need to be extracted and replaced. Wisdom teeth removal is often performed if the wisdom teeth look like they may cause alignment problems or damage the other teeth. Our team can examine your teeth and take X-rays at your next appointment with us to determine the best treatment option for you.

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