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Celebrating Dental Awareness Day

woman searing dark glasses and a hat throws up her hands in celebration.

July is a month of celebration, and not just because of Independence Day! July 18 is actually Dental Awareness Day. On this day, we and other dental professionals like to take the time to spread knowledge about dental care so that more people can be informed about how to look after their smiles. Of course, we’re happy to share this information with our community every single day, but we hope you’ll join us in celebrating Dental Awareness Day this year with us too.

To get things going, we’d like to share some of our favorite dental care tips and tidbits with you. The more you know, the better decisions you can make about your dental care and the better you can maintain a healthy, happy smile for years to come.

Establishing a Good At-Home Dental Routine

There’s no better day than today to check whether your at-home dental routine is serving you well. A good routine looks like brushing at least twice a day for two minutes each time with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing at least once a day with proper technique. That technique involves slightly curving the floss around each tooth surface so that you can really remove any debris or bad bacteria there.

Scheduling Those Dental Appointments

Even with an absolutely perfect at-home dental routine, you should still be seeing your dentist at least two times a year. During these routine visits, a hygienist will remove any plaque and tartar and a dentist will make sure no issues are developing. Both of these are things you can’t properly do on your own, unless you happen to be a dental professional yourself that is!

Taking Care of Your Oral Health Is Taking Care of Your Overall Health

When we look after our oral health, we’re also helping to protect our overall wellness. For example, if you have gum disease, it can actually increase your chances of developing other diseases like heart disease. By doing our part for our smile, our smile can do its part for our body.

If you have any questions about these tips or if you’d like even more advice about your dental care, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Southbridge Dental Care. As providers of comprehensive dental care, including emergency dentistry, we are available to discuss all kinds of treatments from preventive to restorative to cosmetic services. Call or email us today!

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