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Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth

woman makes a hand's heart over her smile

A missing tooth can have a significant impact on self-esteem, confidence, and overall oral health. Besides having an impact on your self-esteem, a missing tooth can lead to other complications down the road. Fortunately, our Southbridge dentist has several solutions to replace missing teeth! But before you start thinking about which restorative treatment you need; we’re sharing three reasons why you should replace missing teeth:

1. Improved Appearance

While life is not all about looks, a missing tooth can be an eyesore and quickly affect the way you look and feel about yourself. Missing teeth can even reduce your willingness to smile! Replacing missing teeth can restore your appearance and give you a renewed sense of confidence and self-esteem.

2. Improved Functionality

Without all your teeth, chewing and speaking can become a challenge as pronunciation requires your tongue to touch the teeth as you form words. Missing teeth can also cause you to chew slower or with discomfort. With replacement teeth, your oral structures will function just as before.

3. Improved Oral Health

When you lose a tooth, the remaining teeth are at risk of misalignment, gum disease, and tooth decay. One missing tooth can change your entire smile, including contributing to jawbone loss. Replacing your missing teeth can prevent these issues and help maintain the overall health of your mouth.

Tooth Replacement Options

Fortunately, there are many options for replacing missing teeth. Some options available at Southbridge Dental Care include:

Over time, tooth replacement may become more costly and extensive due to weakened teeth and gums. Consulting with a dentist near you as soon as possible is best to determine the best course of action for your needs and goals.

Schedule a Tooth Replacement Consultation in Southbridge, MA

Replacing missing teeth is essential for maintaining optimal oral health, enhancing your appearance, and improving functionality, and self-esteem. Don’t let missing teeth hold you back. Contact Southbridge Dental Care to explore your options for replacement today.

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